Average SAT Score

The SAT exam is one of those topics that cause high school seniors a lot of stress.  Whether we like it or not, standardized test scores are a large part of the college admissions process.  Colleges and universities like to use these scores to gain insight into your ability to do well in college-level courses.

With that being said, a lot of high school seniors are wondering what average SAT score do students typically earn on the exam.

If we take into consideration all of the students who take the SAT exam in a year, the average SAT score would be somewhere around 1500.  If your score is somewhere in the area of 1500, then it’s safe to assume that 50% or half of the students who took the exam scored better than you, while the other half scored worse.

So what exactly does all this mean?  Well, each school has its own admissions requirements, so it’s hard to guarantee that you’ll be accepted to your chosen college or university with an average score of 1500.  Further, a lot of college are reluctant to pick a number and clearly state that they will not accept a students who scores below it.

CLICK HERE to see the average ACT scores from five of the nation’s best colleges and universities.

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